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2023-09 God’s Light, Life and Love for Us to Fight for the Kingdom (Toronto)

In today’s world, many people have a very distorted view and understanding of love. They believe love means tolerating and accepting how everyone is. This is in complete contrast to God’s love which was manifested in Christ’s life. He was compassionate and longsuffering but yet He was holy and righteous. He does not tolerate sin because in Him there is no sin (1 John 3:5). No matter how much we try in ourselves to be like Jesus, we cannot because our human life is naturally sinful and must be eliminated on the cross and the new life of Christ within us must grow and shine forth (Gal 2:20). The love that we display in our lives must originate from God through Christ’s life within us (1 John 4:7) and cannot be manmade.

For this love to be formed in us, we need His light to shine on us that we may see our fallen condition and repent as well as His life which enables us to overcome our old human nature. Without Christ’s light and life manifested in us as love for God and for man, we cannot reach God’s destiny for us — to be conformed to Christ’s image (Rom 8:29) and to reign with Him as Kings and Priests in His coming kingdom (Rev 1:6; 5:10)

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