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Open Day

Welcome to the Open Day!

We cordially invite you to the open day! We offer two presentations on current topics of the Bible and world events, an exhibition of charts on the end times, a snack with drinks and plenty of opportunity for personal exchange. Let’s get into the conversation with each other!

Sunday, Feb. 12, 2023

On Sunday, 02/12/2023, we invite all interested individuals to Stuttgart-Vaihingen from 15:30 – 19:00 to spend a few hours getting to know each other. Especially after a long period of contact restrictions, personal exchange is more important than ever.

[icon name=”clock” prefix=”far”] Program

15:30 – Reception

Getting to know each other, literature offer & exhibition

16:00 – First presentation

Requirements for entering the kingdom of God

When Jesus Christ returns, the kingdom of God will appear on earth for 1000 years. But the question is, what are the requirements a person must fulfill to be allowed to enter God’s kingdom? Is it enough to be a Christian and live a decent life, or does God require more?

17:00 – Second presentation

God comes to judge the earth

When Jesus Christ returns, He will judge the earth and its inhabitants in righteousness. The Bible not only reveals how God’s judgments have already struck the earth in times past. Rather, it shows us that there will soon be another day when God will judge the whole earth.

18:00 – Snacks & drinks

19:00 – Fade out

[icon name=”map” prefix=”far”] Venue

The open day will take place at the Häussler Bürgerforum in the center of Stuttgart-Vaihingen:

Häussler Bürgerforum

Rudi-Häussler-Bürgersaal (2. OG)
Schwabenplatz 3
70563 Stuttgart-Vaihingen

[icon name=”plus-square” prefix=”far”] More information

  • Child care will be provided.
  • A wide selection of free Bibles, books, booklets and flyers are available.
  • Translation of the lectures in English, French and other foreign languages is available.
  • Parking is available directly in the Schwabengalerie parking garage (for a fee) or widely in S-Vaihingen.

[icon name=”file-image” prefix=”far”] Flyer

[icon name=”comment” prefix=”far”] Contact

Any questions? Feel free to write us a message. We will reply within the shortest possible time.


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