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The Offerings: A Word of Encouragement

The offerings are specific aspects of Christ that God the Father requires of us. They are not only for our enjoyment, but are primarily food for God (Deuteronomy 28:2). Until now, our Christian life has been focused on satisfying our own needs. We have cared little about what the Father desires for himself. It is no wonder that the Lord Jesus said that the Father is looking for true worshipers. For this very purpose we must work daily on Christ to win Him as the reality of all these sacrifices, as Paul said, “that I may win Christ…” (Phil. 3:8b). Then we can choose our best experience with Christ to offer to the Father at the Lord’s Table.

Many people think that we can worship God in any way, in any place, at any time. But this is contrary to God’s Word. When we worship Him, we must do it according to His precept, in the place of His choice and at the time He has appointed. His desire is for his people to make offerings to him. The place of His choice is the glorious church, the heavenly Jerusalem, Mount Zion (Heb. 12:22-23). Its appointed time is the gathering at the Lord’s Table on the first day of the week. This feast was instituted by the Lord Jesus Himself at the Passover (Mt. 26:26-29; 1 Cor. 11:23-26). In the table of the Lord all feasts are included. So the Lord’s Table in Zion is the place where we as priests worship the Father with spiritual sacrifices according to 1 Peter 2:5.

In the first part of the feast gathering, we eat the bread, drink the wine, and remember the Lord Jesus who accomplished all feasts for our enjoyment. Therefore the Lord said: “… do this in remembrance of me” (Luk. 22:19b; 1.Cor. 11:24-25). In the second part, we worship the Father by offering the firstfruits of our experience with Christ as the spiritual sacrifices. Let’s not just continue our Sunday worship in the old tradition. Rather, let us worship God as He has commanded in His Word.

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